
by Bunni

“Please make note that despite being a person with a queer identity, I as an individual have no interest in being apart or associated with the LGBTQIA Community. These flags were not made to ‘force’ my way into the LGBTQIA community, they are simply flags meant to represent myself. I do not care if they are seen as pride flags or not.
Btw credit for my flags is not a necessity! If someone ask you can send ‘em my way, I don’t mind, but @ing me on Twitter is not necessary.” -Bunni

These flags are free for anyone to use, EXCEPT:

  • Racist, Fascist, Dumbasses

  • Anti-shippers/Pro-harasser

  • Exclusionist (Anti: Neoprns, Mspec Lesbians/Gays, Lesboys, etc.)

  • Pedophiles/Maps/Pro-Maps

Bunni’s Carrd

Bunni’s Pronoun Page

Who Bunni?


by Bunni

“This was the first fictosexual flag I made. I scraped it just because I got bored of it haha.” -Bunni

Fictosexual Flag

Black Inclus Flag

Bunni is an 18 year old, black, enby artist and writer! (Used to stream!)
Bunni is Profiction/Anti-Censorship and enjoys many dark fiction tropes!
(Bunni does not support the actions IRL)
They/Them, Bun/Buns

My identities include (short list)

  • Abrosexual + Abroromantic

  • Demigirl/Nonbinary Girl/Girlgender

  • Bungender + Bunnykin

  • (Questioning) Femboy

Bunni’s Carrd

Bunni’s Pronoun Page


Black Queer Flag

by Bunni

Fictosexual Flag
Fictosexual Flag
Fictosexual Flag

❥ A flag for all black queers who embrace and love being black and queer!
❥ This flag is inclusive of all good faith identities! ❤️


Flags For Abros!

by Bunni

“These flags are for any Abro! Abrosexual, Abroromantic, Abrogender, etc.
I would also like to not that the Original Abrosexual flag is the blueprint for most of these flags. Literally just colorswapped, sue me.” -Bunni

Abro Turiagirl Flag

Abro Flag

❥ For abros that also identify as Turiagirls/Turigirls/Gaygirls!

Abro Lesboy Flag

Abro Flag

❥ For abros that also identify as Lesboys!

Mean Abro Flag

Abro Flag
Abro Flag

“I made this after having a bad day at work and feeling a little bitchy.” -Bunni

❥ For Abros that are tired of your shit.

Softie Abro Flag

Abro Flag
Abro Flag

❥ For Abros that are soft, shy/introverted, and cute!

Hypersensitive Abro Flag

Abro Flag
Abro Flag

❥ For Abros that are emotionally hypersensitive due to past trauma and cry often due to emotional overload.
❥ Also known as the “Crybaby Abrosexual Flag”

(18+) Hypersexual Abro Flag

Abro Flag
Abro Flag

❥ For Abros that are hypersexual due to past trauma and cope through sex and exploration of sexuality!
❥ Hypersexuals without trauma are also allowed to use this flag.
❥ Minors are not allowed to use this flag

Depressive Abro Flag

Abro Flag
Abro Flag

❥ For Abros that suffer from clinical Depression/Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)

Miles Morales
Abro Flag

Abro Flag
Abro Flag

Twitter Post

❥ A flag for Black abros that love Miles Morales!
❥ Can also be used for ppl who kin Miles!
This flag is inclusive of all good faith identities! ❤️


Alternate Palettes

Fictosexual Flag

by Bunni

“This was the first fictosexual flag I made. I scraped it just because I got bored of it haha.” -Bunni

Fictosexual Flag
Fictosexual Flag

Color Meanings

  • White: The border between reality and fiction

  • Pink: Love for your F/O

  • Dark Red/Burgundy: Attraction to fictional characters

  • Grey: Lack of attraction to real people

Original Flag


Fictosexual Flag

by Bunni

“I would like to make note that there is already a Fictosexual flag, however I personally didn’t like the design so I made my own.” -Bunni

Fictosexual Flag
Fictosexual Flag

Alt Flag

❥ An individual whose attraction lies partially or exclusively with fictional characters. This identity usually falls under the Acearo spectrum.

Original Flag

Other Alt Flag

Fictionkin Flag

by Bunni

Fictosexual Flag
Fictosexual Flag

❥ An individual who identifies as or closely with a fictional character.

Fictionkin Wiki

More Info


Alternate Palettes

Girlwife Flag

by Bunni

Shotagender Flag
Shotagender Flag

Alt Flag

“This flag is meant for FICTIONAL characters only. I do not condone the use of this flag on ANY real people, including characters played by actors.” -Bunni

❥ A flag representing fictional characters, usually lolis, that are girlwife material!
❥ This flag can also be used to describe oneself.


Lolisho |
Loli & Shota Flags

by Bunni

Shotagender Flag

Shotagender Flag
Shotagender Flag

❥ Feeling a connection, either gender-wise or aesthetically, to shotas!
❥ Also can represent feeling a connection to childhood masculinity in a youthful or nonbinary way.
❥ “This flag can also be used as a Shotacon flag!” -Bunni

Color Meanings

  • Blue: Shotas, childish masculinity

  • White: Innocence, Ignorance, childish thinking

  • Yellow and Brown: 🍯🧸, Shotacon emojis

  • Green: Childish happiness, playful energy

Loligender Flag

Shotagender Flag
Shotagender Flag

❥ Feeling a connection, either gender-wise or aesthetically, to lolis!
❥ Also can represent feeling a connection to childhood femininity in a youthful or nonbinary way.
❥ “This flag can also be used as a Lolicon flag!” -Bunni

Kodogender Flag

Shotagender Flag
Shotagender Flag

❥ Feeling a connection, either gender-wise or aesthetically, to kodos, lolis and shotas!
❥ Also can represent feeling a connection to childhood in a way that affects your gender but is disconnected from the usual concept of masculinity and femininity.
❥ “This flag can also be used as a Kodocon flag!” -Bunni


“Rose n’ Thorns” Bipolar Flag

by Bunni

Bipolar Disorder Flag
Bipolar Disorder Flag

❥ This is a flag representing ppl with clinical Bipolar Depression/Disorder!
❥ Inspired by the BPD Flag.

BPD Flag


Bungender Flag

by Bunni

Bipolar Disorder Flag
Bipolar Disorder Flag

❥ This flag is meant for anyone with a strong connection to bunnies that influences them either emotionally, gender wise, or aesthetically!
❥ This can also be used as a Bunnykin flag!
❥ “Bungender, or Genderbun, is a xenogender and kingender for when either one's gender is influenced by being rabbit/bunny kin, or when one's gender is small, soft (in volume) and warm; fuzzy and anxious (in feeling); or when one's gender feels somehow like a bunny, or when one's gender started out small, but is now increasing at an alarming rate (either genderflux or gendercollector). It is a faunagender.” -Bungender Wiki

Bungender Wiki



by Bunni

Bipolar Disorder Flag

❥ This flag is meant for anyone who identifies with the term "girl", but rejects womanhood and/or feels disconnected from the term "woman".
❥ It opposes toxic femininity as well as the idea of “women-duties” and embraces cuteness, innocence, soft femininity and nonbinary femininity (as well as masculinity).
❥ This flag (and description) are inspired and the direct opposite of Boygender!



by Bunni

Virilian 🦋

Bipolar Disorder Flag
Bipolar Disorder Flag

❥ The queer and/or nonbinary attraction to masculinity.
❥ Derived from Virility, meaning “the set of qualities considered appropriate for or characteristic of men
❥ This flag is meant for individuals under the nonbinary umbrella and/or otherwise queer individuals.
❥ This attraction includes masculine nonbinary identities, multi-gendered identities, men both cis and trans, butch and dyke women, etc.
❥ This flag can be a stand-alone sexuality or a complimentary descriptor.


Bipolar Disorder Flag

❥ The inability or difficulty to be attracted to and/or connect with men due to past trauma.
❥ Derived from Androphobia, meaning “fear of men
❥ This flag is for women and nonbinaries with past trauma (be it SA or otherwise) that affects their ability to be attracted to most or all men.
❥ This does NOT mean they are never attracted to men, it is simply harder for them to trust and connect.
❥ This flag is NOT for radfems or “All men are trash!” people.



by Bunni

Bipolar Disorder Flag

❥ This flag is for individuals whose hypersexuality affects their gender identity!
❥ This flag is inclusive of people who are hypersexual due to trauma and coping.
❥ This flag is also pro-kink, kink friendly, and anti-kink shaming.
❥ This flag is not gender exclusive and can also be called the “Incubusgender Flag” or the “Concubusgender Flag” respectively!
